Universal Repair Kit

Quick Deploy Solution for XLPE-insulated cables

Underground HV cable systems are installed in almost all supply areas. These cable systems often use different voltage levels, different cable types from different manufacturers and, over time, even different cable technologies.

As a result of greater capacity utilization, progressive aging, and especially higher levels of construction activity, there is an increasing likelihood of such lines failing or becoming damaged. At the same time, customer expectations are growing to ensure a 100% energy supply and to minimize downtimes in the event of a fault.

With these pressures, grid operators worldwide need to think about the probability of supply interruptions, repair options and downtimes. Besides the availability of maintenance personnel, the availability of replacement materials is becoming an ever more important factor. However this is made very difficult by the mix of technologies, voltage levels and manufacturers used in the field. It is almost impossible but also uneconomical to keep a stock of suitable spare materials for all cable sections.

This is where the universal solution from PFISTERER comes in: Flyer Universal Repair Kit

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