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Surge Arrester, Size 6, for Transformators and Offshore

The surge arrester model series HV-CONNEX size 6 is used to protect metal-enclosed switchgears (GIS) or transformers which are equipped with size 6 HV-CONNEX bushings (with or without voltage tap). The surge arrester is installed directly onto the switchgear or transformer and prevents excessively high levels of over voltage from entering the system. The surge arresters are particularly suited to limiting over voltages caused by the reflection of travelling waves.

Use of these arresters requires the transition from the overhead line to the cable to be protected with suitable arresters when using a length of cable to connect the switchgear to the overhead line.

Properties of HV-CONNEX surge arresters:

  • Enclosed system
  • Solid insulation
  • No arcing
  • High short-circuit strength
  • Maintenance-free
  • Resistant for outdoor use
  • Protection rating IP 66

Specified parameters are based on tests under the surge arrester standard IEC 60099-4.

Technical Data

Article no. 827 547 168
Size 6
Applicable standards IEC 60099-4
Rated voltage Ur Ur (kV) 168
Max. continuous rating Uc Uc (kV) 134
temporary surge UTOV(1s)
temporary surge UTOV(10s)
Max. residual voltage Ures at 1/2 μs 20 kA 1/2 μs 20 kA (kV) 463
Max. residual voltage Ures at 8/20 μs 10 kA 8/20 μs 10 kA (kV) 390
Max. residual voltage Ures at 8/20 μs 20 kA 8/20 μs 20 kA (kV) 426
Max. residual voltage Ures at 8/20 μs 40 kA 8/20 μs 40 kA (kV) 475
Max. residual voltage Ures at 30/60 μs 1000 A 30/60 μs 1000 A (kV) 334
Max. residual voltage Ures at 30/60 μs 2000 A 30/60 μs 2000 A (kV) 349
Rated discharge surge current (kA) 20
Bemessungs-Kurzschlusstrom (kA) 40
High peak current (kA) 100
Long-wave peak current (A) 900
Line discharge class 4
Power consumption capacity (kJ/kV) 10
Protection class IP66
Weight (kg) 88


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